Ok, so maybe not perfect, but I'm trying. I've been studying tips on how to improve my photography skills. There are so many little details to be mindful of when taking pictures, and much to my annoyance I'm not the type of person who can do this very easily. I thought I was edept at noticing life's little details, but it seems that's only true if the details aren't framed within my little view finder. Ack!
Thankfully the weather is warming up and I've been taking advantage of the natural light that pours down on my back porch in the early morning. I think my pictures are getting better. What do you think?
On another topic....a fellow Estian posted a fun poll asking people questions about necklaces. Preferred style, pendant or beaded....what type of clasp you like etc... The results were very informative. It's important to know these things when you make jewelry. I'll see if I can find the link to the poll and when/if I do I'll post it here.