Sunday, April 21, 2013

Beyond the Surface

A lot has happened in 10 months. Too much to report in any detail so I`ll try to summarize.

I`m like the tortoise. I move slow and steady. Some people might think I`m not moving...not progressing, but that`s just what it looks like on the outside of me. On the inside there is a flurry of ideas, of revelations, of memories, of growth spurts. So many and so much that it`s very hard to contain myself. Most days I feel like I am running in 40 different directions at once. So this winter I decided to work on resolving this inner turmoil. I started doing yoga to calm my mind which lead to greater focus which lead to me researching and becoming involved in art therapy which has lead to Intuitive Painting. Which has lead me full-circle back to creating more meaningful...more personal art journal pages.

Creating commercial art had caused me to stray from my own personal life purpose. I had fallen into the trap of always being aware of the end game. Always thinking "Will someone like this?" "Will it sell?" Getting caught up in this thinking was squeezing out my creativity. It was never my intention to create under those circumstances so it was time to realign myself with my original intentions. "Create only what I feel moved to create" and then if I feel like selling whatever I've made, add a price tag to it and take it to the markets with me.

That's the new vow I've made to myself. Create only what I feel moved to create. That, and I promised myself that I'd take some online classes that I've wanted to take for quite awhile. I'm currently taking Effy Wild's Moonshine class, and when registration reopens I want to take GulfSprites 30 Pages. After that I'd like to take Dion Dior's Mandala class, Flora Bowley's Bloom True, and Jen Louden's Teach Now.

And, as if self revelations were not enough, I also bought some new gadgets to help me create online classes which I will be slowly developing for release this coming fall/winter.
Ronnie is a mixed-media artist, instructor and jewelry designer at RadianTrace Atelier


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